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Writer's pictureTia May McCall


Updated: Apr 18, 2020

In this new state of being, that the world has forced upon us, my creativity has kicked into high gear. My mind is flooded with ideas that I want to create in my own life and the lives of the children at Pollywogs. I have a love of nature, a love of healthy, holistic living, a love of whole foods, a love of the old ways. I grew up in an Italian family with grandparents that were pretty self sufficient, hardly visited the market. Walmart did not exist. I would open the fridge to an array of dishes, all made from scratch. I would go to the root cellar for potatoes or radishes long into the winter. I would grab a jar of canned tomatoes or green beans anytime of the year. We even made our own pasta and bread.

I cherish the memories of my grandparents garden and all the wonderful tasting fresh, crisp vegetables that were always so bountiful. Fresh, organic food before organic was even a choice. We used every bit of food, never any waste. I have had a vision of feeding the children at Pollywogs with fresh, organic, whole foods for a long time. The unscheduled time, which is now my new reality, has given me the space to make the vision come true.

Last week I was listening to the panic from others regarding shoppers and all the hoarding of food. I found myself worrying about the basics needs of my life; will I be able to feed my family?! I needed to get to the store! Why am I depending on others for my basic needs? I don't want to depend on anyone for my next meal. I was forced to think differently at that moment. I felt very uncomfortable realizing that I depended so much on the food industry; I did not like that feeling at all. I could not continue to live in that state of worry, worrying of where my food will come from. "Life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.".....Dr. Wayne Dyer.

I am so excited to introduce a food program that the Pollywogs children will not only learn many new skills but will also nourish their bodies. Healthy bodies create healthy minds. Research has shown a direct link between processed food, preservatives, dyes, additives, added sugar and behavior. We will teach children to grow their own food and they will be 100% rewarded with their gardening efforts. The children will also learn how to turn all that whole, fresh food into tasty meals. We will use natural compost and chickens to fertilize and to keep the bugs away. We will also have a fresh supply of eggs! Healthy body, healthy mind, and becoming self sufficient.

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